15 Dec 2010

Magpie Tales # 45


Evening dark enfolds the waiting city.
Children dream, perhaps of Santa Claus,
while juke-box music churns its tuneless ditties
into the streets where nobody gives pause
to think of Christmas.

The midnight hour solemnly approaches;
a small group congregates in vacant pews,
their measured footsteps rhythmically encroaching
upon a silence echoing with the news
of that first Christmas.

Around the crib the candlelight is flickering,
but muted organ notes cannot compete
with raucous sound of angry voices bickering
from drunken revellers outside in the street.
Can this be Christmas?

Expectant landscape waits for welcome silence,
as moon and stars continue on their way
around a world beset with wars and violence
which needs the gift of Peace as much today
as that first Christmas.

Wilow's prompt for Magpie Tales this week reminded me of these verses I wrote way back. I have posted them before on Napple Notes, but they remain as pertinent as at their first appearance, and it will do no harm to give them another airing, as visiting commenters vary each year...


  1. No harm done even if this had been my second reading.

    ...out in the streets where nobody gives pause, ...small group congregates in vacant pews, ...muted organ notes cannot compete, ...needs the gift of Peace as much today...

    The above "images" really resonated with me. Thank you.

  2. the last verse is so perfectly phrased...Merry Christmas to you and Peace on Earth would be wonderful wouldn't it?

  3. My friend, these are wonderful words,You are so talented Jinksy, amazing thoughts of yours.

  4. Perfect ~ your plea for Peace. Merry Christmas, Penny!

  5. Jinsky,
    An ideal occasion to share with. Perfect choice of words.

  6. Really hard hitting reality poem set in a season we can't quite manage. Worth a second, third, many readings. Have a great Christmas Jinksy.

  7. Gorgeous Message! Merry Christmas Penny!

  8. Summed it up in a nutshell. I don't think it's much different now, it just seems worse because we are drenched in it 24/7.

  9. Dear Jinksy: Adore this poem! So timely, as peace is always a quality that seems to elude because Love comes from the humble heart of Love. A treasure! Besides the fine imagery I love the meaning in the last line regarding our planet"which needs the gift of Peace as much today
    as that first Christmas" That's right! Harrod had waged war on the Prince of Peace, he didnt win either! :)

  10. perfect - "can this be christmas?" reminds me of what it should be, and so true, we need the gift of Peace as much today as on that first Christmas.

  11. ps, i've really enjoyed your comments on the other magpies, esp, what if he had been a daughter?!

  12. I am at a loss for words to describe how I feel about your wonderful piece of reality.

    Seasons greetings to you and yours

  13. Waiting for peace and harmony..year in, year out..hopefully, within...Beautifully done!

  14. I was reluctant to delve into the private and personal mixture of faith and poetry, but I'm glad I visited here today.
    This was a wonderful balance of the contrasting elements of the Christmas season.
    Well done!

  15. Peace and happiness is all we need!

    wonderful piece!

    Have a great Christmas Jinksy.

  16. Lovely post Pen - hope we all enjoy a peaceful Christmas this year.

  17. beautiful portrayal of Christmas spirits.
    well done.

    love your imagination of sun, moon, nature, and more...

  18. It seems human nature hasn't changed all that much, as well as the yearning.

  19. You painted a lovely picture, Jinksy.

  20. Very apt. World peace would be wonderful. Have a great Christmas.

  21. Really strong piece, have a great Christmas!

  22. Very wonderful thought-provoking piece. Truly would could use some peace. Blessings to you.

  23. Peace could be a wonderful companion. Well written!

  24. Wonderful message of peace... would be so great if more could take a look to what each of us could do to bring peace, at least to our part of the world. Merry Christmas.

  25. Lovely, just lovely. Thank you for sharing this, you are a very talented, indeed!

    Hi! I just wanted to drop by and thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I really, really appreciate it! I'm your newest follower! Cheers, and Merry Christmas!!

  26. Great write Jinksy on the streets of Christmas...we seek a moment of peace in a pew in the sound of an organ..hopefully we each can find a moment of that First Christmas in our hearts this year....Have a Blessed Holiday...bkm

  27. i would definitely take the gift of peace...as i too think it is much needed...nice write jinksy

  28. Yes, peace and love, the world needs that. Beautiful words!

  29. Love this bit, especially:
    "The midnight hour solemnly approaches;
    a small group congregates in vacant pews,
    their measured footsteps rhythmically encroaching
    upon a silence echoing with the news
    of that first Christmas."

    Beautiful write, Jinksy! Here's hoping we all find some peace wherever we are this Christmas. While I am here, thank you so much for little Sammy Sheep! Made my day :-)

  30. Enjoyable
    Focal point on peace

    thanks for the Magpie Tale

  31. A gift of Peace is always in order. Thank you for posting this, Jinksy; it is an excellent reminder of what this season is meant to be about.

  32. That was really touching. Wouldn't it be a wonderful feeling to know the world would be at peace not just on Christmas day, but from then on. Conflicting religious sects, unfortunately, make it nigh on impossible.

    Best wishes,
    CJ xx

  33. So much truth and beauty in this Jinksy! :-)

  34. Greetings!
    Here is the end of the year awards 4 you, enjoy!

    End of The Year Awards 4 Friends of Jingle or Jingle Poetry Community

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    At this time of the year, We wish you all the best !

    Link up a poem to our potluck today, We send blessings all the way to brighten your day!

  35. Jinksy, love it!, especially:
    "...as moon and stars continue on their way
    around a world beset with wars and violence
    which needs the gift of Peace as much today
    as that first Christmas"

  36. That is really really lovely. The setting inside a church with stained glass windows.....peaceful.
