6 Dec 2010

Another Ticket For The Poetry Bus

This week it is driven by Kat, who is expecting Pub related offerings, and here is my little tail ...er...tale of a tail, I mean...

The Red Lion

Some lion cubs frolicked 
and chased their own tails
but suddenly one of them 
loosed a great wail.

"Ouch!" I've been bitten! 
My tail has turned red!
And he ran in a circle, 
"Look how it has bled!"

The lion pride laughed 
and one smart arse cub
said "Cor! Now you're 
just like the name of the Pub!"


  1. I shall never look at that particular pub sign in quite the same way again :-)

  2. I am with jabblog, now that I have that poem in my head everytime I look at that lion I will remember it!!

  3. oh my...lol. silly little cubs...

  4. Was 'smart arse cub' deliberate? Whether or not, its still good fun!

  5. This made me smile! It was so much fun!
