23 Apr 2014

There's No Accounting...

...for the way a prompt can lead the mind into lateral thinking. As I saw a Poetry Jam post on my long deserted reading list, and noticed the word 'Deserts', my initial reaction was to flip to 'desserts' an often mis-spelt, dictionary neighbour, but then two words took its place - arid desert. Is that tautology, I wonder? Nevertheless, it reminded me of a sad little poem I'd written in the days of my youth, which I decided to resurrect in the hope that some Poetry Jam sweetness might result, thereby  adding to its flavour. Not all deserts are sandy!


Do I create you
from my own wishes
when suddenly you appear
at unexpected times?
I know when you're nearby.
Unbidden, my mind creates
a vacuum of suspense
and your form rushes
to fill the void
and breathe new life
into my existing  being.

Nothing can parallel
the surge of joy
that such chance meeting brings.
Love’s blossom blooms
in the arid desert of a day
till then without you
and my very soul takes wing.

P.S. Perhaps I should change the title to 'Mirage'?!


  1. "a vacuum of suspense".....truth beautifully said....

  2. luv the title as it is; have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  3. Either title is good. I knew what you were talking about.

  4. I like the idea of the Mirage title, but the Apparition works as well. I like where you took the prompt! thanks for posting

  5. I think a desert has to be dry (or at least have no available water - ice counts) but it doesn't have to be warm.

  6. Love those lines ...' love's blossom blooms in the arid desert of a day ' ...

  7. "Love’s blossom blooms in the arid desert of a day" my fav, also. Magical and I think, "in the arid desert" one, perhaps, hankers for it more - as one hankers for all restorative things in the desert.

  8. I love that Love's Blossom bloom - excellent image and that feeling of the hope of a thirst met. Well Done.

  9. Very nice. I like this a lot. Love
    "your form rushes
    to fill the void
    and breathe new life
    into my existing being"

  10. i hear you, sweetie, i hear you. let's all daydream away and take flight

  11. The vacuum of suspense is a very inspired and inspiring phrase... This piece is so full of longing. Beautiful!

  12. Very nice! Loved the form rushes to fill the void. Many wonderful images :-)

  13. What a beautifully reflective poem, Jinksy.
