18 Aug 2021

Thoughts from a bookworm in a library...

 Oh library, great library
you make my heart beat faster;
you're full of words of wisdom
spread out for me to master.
With my precious ticket
waving in the air,
I can own a little bit
of every book in there...
My eyes eat words for breakfast,
chomp knowledge into chunks
of easy, bite sized pieces
when its time for lunch.
A volume here, a volume there
will fill my tum for tea
with recipes, or pictures,
as I gobble what I see
in my imagination...
and all of it is free! 
So I'm a happy bookworm.
Leave me to browse in peace
among this paper paradise! 
May its glory never cease.

9 May 2021

Wise Old Bird Sees Red?

When you can't see the wood for the trees,
and life grinds you down to your knees,
Have a think... and then in a blink
say "Bother!" and do as you please!

N.B. Instead of "Bother!", insert any two syllable expletive of your choice. Depending on mood at the time, this may be the ruder the better?
Jinksy exits left, giggling...

Thanks to Carrie, from whose picture-prompt I took this detail:-)

24 Jun 2018


does not
matter, love,
how long it takes you
to remember not to forget me;
every recollection will resonate
with my heart strings,
replay songs
we both

Micro Poetry is the order of the day over at The Imaginary Garden With Real Toads  Follow this link to read all about it - then why not join in?!

18 Jun 2018


No, I've not been absent from Blogland because I've been exploring in far away lands! But this morning, I have been exploring to see how Blogger and Google have attempted to help  (or hinder?) each other, in the matter of creating New Posts on my various blogs.
A whole heap of 'Post Setting Options' on a drop down list, have proved most entertaining...I've discovered I have a 'Pocket'... Not sure yet where exactly it lives, nor what it might hold.

Any pockets about my person,in real life, may not always stand a close scrutiny, though you can be sure one of them will contain a handkerchief - in a relatively clean state, may I add.  The phrase 'Do you have a clean hanky?' is one that all good parents have issued as one of their offspring steps out of the house - at least, it was back in the days when I was small fry.

Nowadays, paper tissues have replaced many a cotton hanky, and they don't fare as well in a pocket, especially after any garment whose pocket harbours a stray one, has been in a washing machine! I've spent many a happy hour removing little balls of disintegrated tissue from any dark clothing which had been washed with a pocketed tissue in situ..

But such pondering is not what Alias Jinksy blog was made for, thus I will include a poetic offering as well. :-)

Hot Fingers

Mister Sun creeps in here, mid afternoon.
At first, he is timid and merely peeps
around the curtain, stretching hot fingers
a little further each day, flexing them
                    Now, mid April,
beams from those fingertips reach the far wall.
As I sit here and type, I soon notice
them announcing their presence on my skin,
mapping their journey.
            Even through my clothes,
they make sure I can’t ignore them. They are
self-satisfied, once they see I must move,
for it proves their hold is growing stronger…

N.B. I've just linked this (a bit late) to Poetry Pantry

4 May 2016

Crafty Spider?

A thread twines around
dancing hook and fingertips.
Human spider spins…