6 Feb 2012

Cool Ardour

Photo by Richard Schear

Bridal gowns,
frosted white, shimmer
on damsels
under the gaze of suitors
come to pay them court.

Linked to The SundayChallenge at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads.

30 Jan 2012

Cold Calling

In a comment on my last post, Dr FTSE asked me to write a little something about those annoying people who plague our lives, either by trying to sell us computer or internet deals- or simply for the chance of hacking our screens.

I heard and obeyed, Doc...

"There's something wrong with your computer,
just follow my advice!"

Thinks:- (But if you do, I'l nobble you
just like a ton of ice
that's jettisoned from out a plane -
It won't be very nice!
I'll infect you with a virus before the day is through,
if you heed my wicked words, as some poor suckers do.)

I pretend to be an expert, an IT brainy geek -
the kind that uses telephones to feed you double-speak -
until, too late, your screen goes blank
and I'll know that I'm the one to thank, ha HA!

Posted for Imaginary Garden's Open Link Monday