27 Jan 2012

Telephone Torture

 Mr KnowItAll chose a picture for his 55 this week which brought special memories to mind. World time differences can have a lot to answer for...

My brother moved to NZ where time has gone to pot.
Ma was never certain of the time his clock had got
when hers was showing something else - a unrelenting crime!
She’d telephone him in his bed when it was his nighttime
at three, or four or five a.m., her timing less than fine.

And as Poetry Jam asked us to write about 'senses' - this is  all about the downside of a sense of time! LOL

24 Jan 2012

Fantasia For Toads?

ancient tree stands proud
winter gales lay bare its soul
branch and bough shiver

bare boned skeleton creaks out a tarantella

flirting fallen leaves
ape dancing ghosts of footsteps
from another world

To see the inspiration for this patchwork post, go and read what it should be like on the IGWRT blog! I apologise for not being able to follow its instructions to the letter, but hope Toads will forgive me for following where my nose, and muse, led me...

22 Jan 2012

Cutting Edge?

Thank you Tess for another Magpie Tales picture to inspire us!